Sizing Calculator

Off-Grid Solar System Sizing Calculator

Use our Off-Grid solar calculator tool below to estimate system size. Check out our video on off-grid sizing for details and more information on the design process.

Steps to use the off-grid calculator:

  1. Complete the off-grid load calculator
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Submit your off-grid system size
Offgrid solar system in Northern CA

Step 1: Off-Grid Load Calculator

Fill out the table below to estimate energy usage. We’ve included some common household appliances found in off-grid homes. Try to account for everything, keeping in mind that off-grid homes should use efficient appliances, and the major heating loads (water & air heating) are usually not electric.
Enter your own appliance if not in the drop down options
Please enter the watts for the manually entered appliance
Please fill in your contact information below so you can receive your results.
We'll estimate your off-grid system size based on the list of appliances and energy usage that you entered. Keep in mind that this is only an estimate, and there are many factors that can influence system sizing. Please contact us for help designing your project.
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